Total Advertising Network Review Day 2 - Results Of Our First Test
Welcome back to my review of the Total Advertising Network. Yesterday I set up my first classified ad within the network in order to see if we could get any immediate traffic. As I discovered, once you submit your ad into the network there is nothing to say what sites your ad is being sent to, nor does the network even give you a list of the sites that it is submitting to. Regardless, if an ad is being sent out to around 5000 classified sites then I would expect to see at least a few clicks on my advertisement. I also tested the site submission software that comes with the membership and this appears to be functional and at least shows you the progress that it is making as it runs. So about the results from my first test...In order to do a quick test on the I set up a tempting advert and used an affiliate link as the URL so that I could track any clicks that I got. Although Total Advertising Network says that the ad will appear on the classified sites for up to three days I would have expected after 24 hours to be able to see some results. However, this sadly couldn't be further from the truth. After one day the total clicks to the affiliate link stand at...ZERO!!!
So does this mean that the Total Advertising Network is a scam? Well certainly not after just one day and a single ad. Referring back to the sales page for the Total Advertising Network it states:
"People go to classified website for one reason, to purchase products they need. Not to mention the quality back links classified postings generate"So in order to give you a full and detailed evaluation of this network I will be further testing the tools and software for both traffic generation pointing directly at THIS blog as well as testing the statement that this tool can be used for generating back links. If you have considered using this software simply to post classified ads then you might not be aware of what a back link actually is. So here is a brief description and why this product could actually help us out after all.
Total Advertising Network For Back links?
Back links are essentially a way to get a website, blog or page indexed within the search engines, making your site or blog visible to internet searchers that search for terms that appear within the content of your site. A back link is a link placed on another site that links back to your site or blog. A back link is seen by the search engines as a vote for your site and the more votes you get the higher up the search results you will climb. Back links also serve another purpose and that is to help the search engines find your site in the first place. Search engines use something called "spiders" that crawl the web looking for new and unique content, the search engine spiders use the links placed by other sites to jump from one site to another. So having lots of links placed on lots of different sites increases the chances of being found and getting your site indexed within the search results.
Until recently back links were seen as the biggest factor for getting your site ranked and it is still the case to some degree. In the past internet marketers could set up a simple website or blog with very little or poor content and so long as they generated enough back links they would still rank highly within the search engines. However, things have changed and with the latest updates from Google's search engine algorithm, back links although still important are not the only factor that will get you to the top of the search engines, but that is a whole different subject for another time!
Further Testing Required!
Going back to the Total Advertising Network Review, over the next few days I will be further testing both direct links to this blog to see if it creates any back links and essentially traffic! I will also be further testing adverts to affiliate links to get an idea of how this software is working, if at all! Stay tuned for further updates and my final review of the network...
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