An Introduction To The Total Advertising Network Review
If you have been looking at the Total Advertising Network and are interested in blasting your classified ads to thousands of sites then you would probably like to see how the system works and whats in the members area before you pay out for this membership, right? That's exactly what I wanted to see when I found out about the Total advertising Network, unfortunately there didn't seem to be a great deal of good information out there on the subject, that's why I decided to make this site and a full, Total Advertising Network review! Over the next few days I will purchase my membership and take you through, step by step, showing you exactly what happens. At this stage I don't know if this is going to work or not, but rest assured I will give you the full details, good or bad!So lets get started!
A Brief Overview Of Total Advertising Network
The advertising network claims to be able to blast any ad to over 5000 websites every day. This seems rather impressive and if it really does what it says then this should be a really good tool. The official site also implies that this can be done very quickly, stating that with just a minute you can have hundreds of visitors to your website or affiliate link.As well as the main classified ad blaster tool the site also has some other tools and bonus information included with the membership, according to the official site you also get a site submitter as well as e-books and web templates. For now i'm only interested in testing the main classified ad blaster to see if it can really produce any real results.
Getting My Membership
Before joining the Total Advertising Network I read a review online about someone who had problems logging into the membership area of the site, they said that they believed it was a scam due to the fact that they simply couldn't access the site, so this will be my first test.
After purchasing my membership to the network I can confirm that there were absolutely no problems at all with accessing the membership area. After payment I was immediately given my user name and password to access the site. After you pay for the membership you are told that the user name and password will not be emailed to you and so you should take note of it right away. I suspect this is were the person went wrong that I read about in the online review!

So Lets Put This Thing To The Test!
I have my Total Adverting Network membership and now its time to test it. Just to explain, I am an affiliate marketer and I also have plenty of experience in creating websites and blogs so my aim here is to test if this software delivers real human traffic, I will be testing this out on both websites and plain affiliate links over the next few days. Stay tuned for more!
If you want to see the official site Click Here.
Or Click Here for the latest results...
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