Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do Not Buy Into The Total Advertising Network Until You Read This!

About The Total Advertising Network Review & Full Test

I purchased the Total Advertising Network software and to be totally honest was not impressed! Whilst testing the software and services provided, I wrote a full review and recorded my findings as I tested the products within the members area. If you have looked at a few reviews for this software then you may have found that in actual fact the people reviewing the software are simply looking to sell it to you, but that is not the case here!

If you want to read the full review in order of how I tested this product then you will need to start at the bottom of this blog and work your way up as the posts are listed oldest first. The idea of being able to send out large amounts of adverting be it for your own site or for affiliate links sounds great, unfortunately this product simply didn't provide any real evidence that it was working, or doing anything at all for my marketing efforts.

That being said, Total Advertising Network claimed that the software would help by submitting your site to several search engines and that the classified ads would build backlinks, therefore helping you climb the search engine rankings. In my tests the only site that I used this software on is the blog that you are now reading and after checking the rankings within Google for this site I now see that after 12 days it does indeed appear on the first page of Google. That's not to say that the software is responsible for these results as Google loves relevant, unique content and that is what they get here.

If you found this review useful and it saved you some money, you may wish to visit my new site: IM Test IT
IM Test It is going to concentrate on internet marketing, affiliate marketing and essentially various methods of making money online. 

Thanks for reading this blog! 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Total Advertising Network Final Review

The Final Review Of The Total Advertising Network

Welcome back, if you have been following this blog then you will know that over the past few days I have been experimenting with Total Advertising Network, an online software application that claims to take care of all your advertising needs by blasting adverts containing any link that you choose out to thousands of classified ads. This will be the final post on this subject as I feel that I have tested enough to know that this advertising system does absolutely nothing to promote any link that you give it!

This will be the fourth day that I have tried various links with this system and my stats show that the links have not received even a single click! The site submission software although slightly different to the ad software at lease appeared to be doing something when you hit submit but I feel there are better products on the market for simply submitting your site to the search engines. 

When joining this ad network you are given a few bonuses as I mentioned in a previous post and just like the rest of the site they also proved to be nothing more that filler content to make it look like you were getting some sort of good deal. The bonus e-books included with this membership actually made me laugh as they were completely out of date, the most recent being dated 2006, with one that I looked at from 2003! So much for the claim on the sales page saying that this system had been updated for 2012!

To summarize my experience with the Total Advertising Network I would say that it has been of total waste of my time! Total Advertising, more like total garbage!

If you found my Total Advertising Network Review useful, please post a comment or link to this site so that others can be warned before they purchase. Please also comment if you have had experience with this or similar advertising sites, recommendations are welcome! Thanks!   

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Total Adverting Network Review - Day 2 - The Results

Total Advertising Network Review Day 2 - Results Of Our First Test

Welcome back to my review of the Total Advertising Network. Yesterday I set up my first classified ad within the network in order to see if we could get any immediate traffic. As I discovered, once you submit your ad into the network there is nothing to say what sites your ad is being sent to, nor does the network even give you a list of the sites that it is submitting to. Regardless, if an ad is being sent out to around 5000 classified sites then I would expect to see at least a few clicks on my advertisement. I also tested the site submission software that comes with the membership and this appears to be functional and at least shows you the progress that it is making as it runs. So about the results from my first test...

In order to do a quick test on the I set up a tempting advert and used an affiliate link as the URL so that I could track any clicks that I got. Although Total Advertising Network says that the ad will appear on the classified sites for up to three days I would have expected after 24 hours to be able to see some results. However, this sadly couldn't be further from the truth. After one day the total clicks to the affiliate link stand at...ZERO!!!

So does this mean that the Total Advertising Network is a scam? Well certainly not after just one day and a single ad. Referring back to the sales page for the Total Advertising Network it states:
 "People go to classified website for one reason, to purchase products they need. Not to mention the quality back links classified postings generate"
 So in order to give you a full and detailed evaluation of this network I will be further testing the tools and software for both traffic generation pointing directly at THIS blog as well as testing the statement that this tool can be used for generating back links. If you have considered using this software simply to post classified ads then you might not be aware of what a back link actually is. So here is a brief description and why this product could actually help us out after all.

Total Advertising Network For Back links?

Back links are essentially a way to get a website, blog or page indexed within the search engines, making your site or blog visible to internet searchers that search for terms that appear within the content of your site. A back link is a link placed on another site that links back to your site or blog. A back link is seen by the search engines as a vote for your site and the more votes you get the higher up the search results you will climb. Back links also serve another purpose and that is to help the search engines find your site in the first place. Search engines use something called "spiders" that crawl the web looking for new and unique content, the search engine spiders use the links placed by other sites to jump from one site to another. So having lots of links placed on lots of different sites increases the chances of being found and getting your site indexed within the search results. 

Until recently back links were seen as the biggest factor for getting your site ranked and it is still the case to some degree. In the past internet marketers could set up a simple website or blog with very little or poor content and so long as they generated enough back links they would still rank highly within the search engines. However, things have changed and with the latest updates from Google's search engine algorithm, back links although still important are not the only factor that will get you to the top of the search engines, but that is a whole different subject for another time!

Further Testing Required!

Going back to the Total Advertising Network Review, over the next few days I will be further testing both direct links to this blog to see if it creates any back links and essentially traffic! I will also be further testing adverts to affiliate links to get an idea of how this software is working, if at all! Stay tuned for further updates and my final review of the network...

Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Website Submitter Test

Total Advertising Network's Website Submitter

So far today I have purchased my membership on the Total Advertising Network and sent out my first ad. Whilst waiting for the results of the first test I thought you may also be interested to see how well the website submitter software works.

Just as before with the ad submitter, the website submitter looks pretty basic, however unlike the ad submitter after entering the details of your site we actually see the progress of the software as it submits your site to the search engines. This could well save a lot of time as well as getting your site indexed on many search engines, we are looking to get traffic at the end of the day and search engine traffic is never bad!

Here is a screenshot of the site submitter in action:

total advertising network site submitter

I did a quick count and it appears that the search engine submitter software was submitted to around 100 search engines and directories, not all of the submissions were successful but there were very few that failed.

In the next post we will look at the other additional bonuses that come with this software as well as checking our results from our first experiment with the Total Advertising Network.

Total Advertising Network's Classified Ad Blaster Test

First Total Ad Network Test! 

Welcome back to our review of Total Advertising Network, today we are testing Total Advertising Network's Classified Ad Blaster! If you read my first post you will know that I am taking you through step by step to give you all the information that you could possibly need regarding this membership site. Today I purchased my membership to the network and I am about to test the Classified Ad Blaster software. If you didn't see the first post you can do so By Clicking Here!

So as we know the main sales page for this site claims that you can blast any ad that you choose to around 5000 Classified websites. In my first test of this software I wanted to see how easy it would be to blast my ad to these sites using the classified ad submitter to see how quickly the ads would be submitted and if any traffic would be generated as a result of my submission.

Lets take a look at the classified ad blasting software...

Total Advertising Network's Classified Ad BlasterThe classified ad blaster is based online in the members area so there is no need to download anything. As you can see from the image  it looks pretty basic but as I have found in the past, looks can be deceiving. The first time that you use this software you need to set up a profile containing your details that will be used within the ad and you also set up a separate user name and password for the software, this takes seconds to complete and then you are ready to write your first advert. 
For my first test using Total Advertising Network's classified ad blaster I am going to use an affiliate link to see if this software produces any real traffic. I took an affiliate link from Clickbank, entered this as my URL and wrote an ad for my chosen product. You are only allowed 255 characters within the main body of your advert so every word has to count and I found it a little frustrating that I wasn't allowed to write more! Another bad point about the software is that it doesn't tell you how many characters you have used as you are typing! Never the less I produced an advert for my first test of this software in under 5 minutes, if you have used too many characters it tells you when you try to submit your ad. 

After pressing the button to submit my advert to the classified sites I expected to see some kind of verification of the sites that it was submitting to, I also expected to have to wait for some time while it submitted my ad to the thousands of sites. Instead, my wait was under 10 seconds and I was simply presented with a message saying that my advert had been submitted successfully.

And now we wait...

I should point out at this stage that the product and affiliate link used in this test were completely new to me and I have no other methods of generating traffic pointing to this link. In other words when I present the results of this test, the traffic generated (if any at all) will be generated by using the ad blaster alone.

Stay tuned for the results!   

Total Adverting Network Review - Day 1

An Introduction To The Total Advertising Network Review 

Total Advertising Network Site Image
If you have been looking at the Total Advertising Network and are interested in blasting your classified ads to thousands of sites then you would probably like to see how the system works and whats in the members area before you pay out for this membership, right? That's exactly what I wanted to see when I found out about the Total advertising Network, unfortunately there didn't seem to be a great deal of good information out there on the subject, that's why I decided to make this site and a full, Total Advertising Network review! Over the next few days I will purchase my membership and take you through, step by step, showing you exactly what happens. At this stage I don't know if this is going to work or not, but rest assured I will give you the full details, good or bad!

So lets get started!

A Brief Overview Of Total Advertising Network 

The advertising network claims to be able to blast any ad to over 5000 websites every day. This seems rather impressive and if it really does what it says then this should be a really good tool. The official site also implies that this can be done very quickly, stating that with just a minute you can have hundreds of visitors to your website or affiliate link.
Total Adverting Network Claim
As well as the main classified ad blaster tool the site also has some other tools and bonus information included with the membership, according to the official site you also get a site submitter as well as e-books and web templates. For now i'm only interested in testing the main classified ad blaster to see if it can really produce any real results.

Getting My Membership

Before joining the Total Advertising Network I read a review online about someone who had problems logging into the membership area of the site, they said that they believed it was a scam due to the fact that they simply couldn't access the site, so this will be my first test.

After purchasing my membership to the network I can confirm that there were absolutely no problems at all with accessing the membership area. After payment I was immediately given my user name and password to access the site. After you pay for the membership you are told that the user name and password will not be emailed to you and so you should take note of it right away. I suspect this is were the person went wrong that I read about in the online review!

Total Advertising Network Members AreaSo this is what the membership area looks like when you log in. One nice thing that I would like to point out about this site is the fact that they don't try to sell you additional tools and software once you have paid for your membership. I have tried and tested many marketing software applications and I find it really annoying when you are told that you should purchase additional items to make the process work better or that you can upgrade your membership to a super gold package! I am pleased to say that there was none of that here, just links to the products as advertised on the main sales page.

So Lets Put This Thing To The Test!

I have my Total Adverting Network membership and now its time to test it. Just to explain, I am an affiliate marketer and I also have plenty of experience in creating websites and blogs so my aim here is to test if this software delivers real human traffic, I will be testing this out on both websites and plain affiliate links over the next few days. Stay tuned for more!

If you want to see the official site Click Here.

Or Click Here for the latest results...